
Welcome to the Astronomy portion of the Kansas STEM Website. Here you will find information about the Kansas ET Astronomy Project including forms and other materials.

State Fair Forms (2024):

**** Posters, Display Boards, & Notebooks, No additional exhibit information is required; no manila envelope is needed for these exhibits.  All other exhibits need the additional information included in a manila envelope. All other exhibits need the additional information included in a manila envelope. Displays, notebooks and posters have been combined into one score sheet for all divisions.

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For those looking for telescope ideas I’d start with this site, it has some good designs. Some are simplistic designs, and some, like the Dobsonian’s, can get pretty involved. You should build at a level you feel comfortable with.

A cool design that can be done rather inexpensively is detailed here: essentially it walks you through building a refractor telescope and provides various alternatives for the design, for example using an old binocular objective lens. This is a great idea for someone’s third or forth year in astronomy as they move beyond understanding the concepts to applying them.

Lastly, this is a cool design, if you do 3D printing. It’s somewhat advanced (I’d say its a tad bit easier than a Dobsonian depending on your 3D printing experience). The article details how a photographer 3D printed most of a telescope (the optics aren’t 3D printed). The instructions to build it are at the end of the article. If you have experience with 3D printing, take a look.

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