The 2021 State Fair forms are available and have been published in their respective areas on the website. You can use the navigation menu across the top to find the area you are looking for. If you have questions about the forms or any other STEM content please use the Contact us page and let us know.
I do apologize that this took longer than normal to publish. Even though the updates look simple, to do all of the processing on the forms requires that I find a large block of uninterrupted time to process and adjust elements.
Additionally this year we have added two new areas to the STEM Program, Ag Mechanics and Architectural Block Construction (ABC).
Ag Mechanics covers welding, brazing, and smithing. We know this year is a fairly limited size for the exhibits, this is because we don’t have all the accommodations worked out yet to support large exhibits. As those details are worked out look for expanded sizes in the years to come.
ABC isn’t called “Lego’s” because there are many types of interlocking blocks on the market and youth can use whatever block type they have available. We are also focusing on how this relates to architecture, the blocks are a medium for creating that architecture.
At the Kansas State Fair, the use of kits in ABC is prohibited. This is so youth are judged on their abilities to create from scratch, a block environment, instead of following someone else’s instructions. Which could potentially turn this division into a money competition in my personal opinion. (Have you looked at the price of sets? If someone can afford a really complex set that puts others at a disadvantage before the judging has even started. Without sets in the mix there is a more level playing field. )
We are looking forward to an exciting year!
Where is the link to the 2021 State Fair Forms for rocketry?
Thank you.
Under the Rocketry section in the menu across the top of the page.